We are here to respond all your questions!
How does the process work to create my web site?
First step
All starts with the first order of service. The first step is to select the plan that best suits your needs. We have organized our plans into 4 segments, attending to the most common needs of entrepreneurs, business and nonprofits. After selecting the plan follow all instructions to make your payment. Once our system register your order we will send a first form “Web project profile” to be able to give you access to our Project Management System (PMS) where you will find all the planning, calendar of activities, reports, and follow-up on the construction of your web site.
Second step
The “Web project profile” form we will be sent within 5 days after receiving the first order of service, during this same time we will create your web project profile in our PMS. Once you go to our PMS you will have 20 days to send us your goals, expectations and needs with this web project; as well as the information relating to the corporate identity of your project.
Is very important to understand that a web site is an extension of a Marketing Plan, which in turn is a component of a Business Plan. These tools of planning will provide greater clarity of the type of web site that you need.
You can select a theme of our gallery to buy a plan of the segments: small-sized business, medium-sized business, or NGO’s. Each theme is connected to its respective DEMO, where you can appreciate the design and the functionality of the theme and assess if the theme gives solution to your needs.
If for some reason you decide not to continue with our services, you can cancel and terminate the contract with GS website within the first 15 days after sending your first service order and claim a refund of your money. For more information check our Refund Policy
Third step
After access to our PMS and upload all the information requested, GS Web will have 20 days to send you a first proposal of your Web project. All this process will need a fluid communication by different channels to ensure the purpose and the appearance of the future web site. We recommend you assign a representative of your organization with decision-making authority to streamline the processes. After receiving the proposal from GS Web you will have 20 days to make changes, adjustments and necessary recommendations to make your web project moves closer to your expectations.
Fourth step
Once GS Web has received all your feedback will begin to build your web site. This process can take from 1 to 6 months, depending on the size of your project, the functionality and the objectives. While this process takes place GS Web will install a Cooming Soon Landing Page which will be linked to your social media depending on the plan that you have purchased. In order to create this temporary Landing Page, it is important that GS Web have been able to register the domain name you have selected! Please review How do I register my domain name?
For more information of how works the design and development of your web site, please review: website design and development agreement.
How do I register my domain?
First Step
Within 30 days from the first service order, you must send a list of 10 and not more than 10 domain names, listed in order of preference to GS website. GS Web will send you within 5 business days after receipt of your first order the form “Domain names“.
Second Step
Upon receipt the list of domain names, web GS will find these domains for availability in order of preference. GS Web search such desired domains until the domain to be available. After determining that the first domain is available, GS Web will register this domain name.
Third Step
In the event that none of the domain names of the list are available for the registration, GS web will inform you about this fact. Since then, you are responsible for providing a second list of 10 of 10 domains. After receipt of the second list of domains names, GS Web will find those domains and register the first domain available based in order of preference. We recommend that you verify all the information available on the internet to be sure how to select a correct domain name and to be able to register a possible domain name of the two lists.